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RECYCLING - We want to update everyone on the recycling capabilities at Camp. The service we use has tightened their enforcement of recycling vs commingled trash in the recycling bins. As a result, our recycling bins were not being emptied and yet Camp was being charged every time they came out to collect. This created both a sanitary challenge as well as a costly activity, that resulted in our recycling bins overflowing. The decision for this Summer was to remove the recycling bins and replace them with regular trash bins. We still support recycling and would ask you to bring your recyclables home at the end of the weekend or utilize one of the recycling centers around Camp (eg. Algonquin Township). We appreciate your thoughts on this issue (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) but we don't have the manpower to monitor the recycling bins to ensure commingled trash doesn't go into them. Cory Litza - Cottage Owners President
CAMP COMMITTEE INFORMATION - Please check the weekly bulletins for upcoming events as well as the website. Both resources capture; calendar, useful information and updates to activities and events happening in and around Camp. We would also suggest you send suggestions and concerns to the Camp email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to ensure your input is heard. You will find posters around Camp with this email information and a QR code that you can scan with your phone, and it will take you directly to the email location. This email is monitored daily and responses back within 72 hours are expected. Finally, we all need to do our part to keep our Turner Camp community safe. If you are feeling any symptoms, even minor, please avoid all the public spaces at Camp (Raths, bathrooms, Pool, etc). We are trying to keep Camp open in a safe and responsible manner and it is up to all of us to do our part to keep each other safe. If you are unable to fill one of your assigned duties due to COVID symptoms or a positive test, send your specific information to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will work to backfill your position.
Excitement for another Summer at Camp is building and with that comes opportunities for us to support our favorite programs; Tweenies, Juniors, Art Studio, Ladies Auxiliary, Tuna etc. One particular fundraiser that has done well in the past is clothing/towels/bags using the Turner emblem or ITC logo. The Turner emblem and ITC logo have been reserved for the Youth Committee and have supported specific programs they are funding for Camp's children. To maximize your efforts and minimize overlap, please bring your fundraising ideas to the next Camp Committee meeting or send them into This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further discussion and approval. Thank you and see you all out at Camp - Camp Committee
ART STUDIO - Thanks for sticking with me as I try to figure out this endeavor. It is truly something close to my heart. ❤ I have decided to send an email weekly because this calendar is changing way too much. So here it goes..6/18 -TCAS IS OPEN FROM 9AM TO 3PM. WE ARE FINISHING UP BEAUTIFYING THE ART STUDIO. THERE ARE A COUPLE MORE FUN PAINTING PROJECTS TO COMPLETE. WE WILL ALSO BE CREATING DIY SUCCULENT WALL PLANTERS. PLEASE BRING SOME SUCCULENTS AND DIRT IF YOU CAN, I WILL HAVE SOME...UP NEXT! OUR FIRST OFFICIAL CLASS!
CROCK POT KIDS SNACKS - during the Fish Fry hours. It will change every Friday to offer our Tiny Tot aged campers something to eat without having to stand in the long line. It will be a separate line at the end of the food service area. Donation of $1. Some menu items will be Mac and Cheese, Meatballs and Hot Dogs. We are open to any suggestions you may have on fun, easy crock pot snacks. We hope this helps to eliminate the little hungry bellies on Friday evenings. Thank you, Kitchen Prep Team
RESTAURANT- we're back ready to provide you some great meals. Coming up this weekend...Friday Fish Fry with a Maxwell Street Vienna Polish Special with grilled onions & sport peppers
Saturday is Tom Webb's Italian Beefs with sweet peppers, mozzarella cheese, and giardiniera & Grill. Next weeks grill.
Friday Fish Fry with a Fried Walleye Special
Saturday is the Aurora Prime Rib Dinner. Presales this Friday to save a couple of bucks.
What's new in the restaurant? Out with the old and in with the new!
We now have Champion Pizzas. Try the new Chicken Alfredo Bacon Pizza!
Retiring are Big Bang Shrimp, Hot Wings, Cheddar Cheese Balls, and Hush Puppies
Joining the line up are Fried Zuchinni Sticks, Pot Stickers, & Fried Ravioli. Along with dipping sauces, give them a try!
We've switched from Haddock Filets to Cod Loins for the fried and baked fish.
We've switched from filets to ribeye's for the steak dinner.
Keep in mind we are experiencing the supply issues the rest of the world is facing. So, if things aren't exactly as you remember them, it is likely due to that.
Finally, let's introduce you to the Restaurant & Fish Fry team. We'll do a couple each week and start with the newest.
Donna Litza - a lifelong Turner who grew up in Turner Camp. She has been involved in the Restaurant for years, ably assisting her mother and longtime restaurant chairperson Barb Gebhart, AKA Sarge. Donna has captained many meals over the years and this year took on the menu planning and scheduling for the restaurant to get us ready for the season. She also provided the lunch meals for the work days, is helping with the weekly shopping, and is leading some Sunday evening meals. We appreciate Donna's help and experience. Get her a Chardonnay!
Randy Gunderson - has been a Turner for around 10+ years. His wife Karin has been running the Candy Store with Donna Sawicki for years. Us guys felt bad for Randy sitting at the bar on Friday's all by his lonesome. So, we invited him to help us out on Fridays when we had an absence. Then last year he became a full-time member of the team when Jim Gerstbrein went down in Spring Training with an injury. Randy worked out so well he's become an integral part of the team, allowing Tom Webb to devote his energies to making Saturday nights great again. His union steward Randy Roe predicts he won't be a journeyman fry guy for long. We appreciate Randy's help and easy-going personality. Get that man a Millers!
Thanks, Scott
YOUTH - Hello again, Turners! This first week of the Youth Program went amazingly. On the field this week, the campers practiced “Ultimate Games,” such as Ultimate Frisbee, and the staff got to meet all the new campers coming in from Tiny Tots. They have adapted well and are doing great in Program so far! The Campers of the Week for Week 1 are Delaney Flowers and Talyn Reeves! They did great by participating, having positive attitudes, and listening well to directions. We’re so proud of them!
The pool opened on Thursday, June 9th, and we got to have lessons for two days, despite the rain! The campers loved being in the water again after all this time. The Beginners Swimmer of the Week was Weston Becker for staying in the water and listening to directions. The Advanced Beginners Swimmer of the Week was Frankie for spaying attention while the instructors were speaking. The Intermediates Swimmer of the Week was Quinn Sandine for always trying to improve. The Swimmers Swimmer of the Week was Sam Moore for keeping a good attitude and swimming the whole time. Staff appreciates these hard-working campers!
Tiny Tots this week went great! The Tiny Tot Campers of the Week are Vini Bialk and Beatriz Adams! They had fun making crafts, doing gymnastics, and participating in swimming lessons, even when the water was cold! We have such a great group of little ones this year.
Next week is Rock Concert Week, which means we will have our annual Rock Concert after awards at 7 PM on Friday, June 17th! We can’t wait to see what the campers come up with. Thank you all for a great start to our summer!
ILLINIOS DISTRICT GOLF OUTING - June 25th 11 AM at Bonnie Dundee Golf Club shotgun start. We will all be back at ITC by 5 PM in time for the prime rib dinner. this is a 4-person scramble (team) event for $65.00 per golfer. If you don't have 3 friends, I'll try to hook you up. Enter by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 773-859-2398 Thank you Bob
COUPON BOOKS!!! Coupon books can be picked up Friday, June 17 from 5:30 to 8 and Saturday, June 18 from 6 to 8:30.
COTTAGE OWNERS MEETINGS – Sunday, June 26th, Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, August 21st. The Cottage Owners meetings serve as an opportunity to keep cottage owners informed about what is going on around Turner Camp. There is a lot of new information to share – please save the dates and plan to attend. 9:00 am for New Cottage Owners – 10:00 am for Existing Cottage Owners
WEEKLY BULLETIN – For those without email, the weekly bulletin will be posted in the common areas around Camp and posted to the Turner Camp Facebook page and the Illinois District website YOU MUST PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK. NO TEXT MESSAGES PLEASE
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you, Chris