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Restaurant – thanks to Ryan Wulf for his Schnitzel dinner. He sold out and it was fabulous as usual! Thanks to Pam Lau for a delicious sauerbraten dinner on Saturday. It was a great weekend for German cuisine!
· Friday August 9 – Fish Fry special is Smoked Butt mitt/kraut
· Saturday August 10 – Come join us for the last Saturday night special this year in the Rathskeller. Directly following the final show This Saturday August 10th. This week’s special will be the always popular Buona Italian beef Sandwich $6.00 or an Italian Sausage for a bargain $4.00. Can’t decide? Get a combo sandwich featuring both entrees for only $7.50. As always Tom Webb will be your host with special guest “chef” Lisa Webb to assist. As Tom says, “Yeah that’ll be fun.” Hmmm. Come grab your last chance to get one of these offerings. And thank you for your support over the course of the year.
· Sunday August 11 Donna & Cheryl’s Reuben Sandwiches & Grill at 6p
· Friday August 16 – Fish Fry Special is Fried Catfish (please note there will be no Perch)
· Saturday August 17 – Lincoln Sausage Dinner
Entertainment – we’ve got great live entertainment schedule every Friday throughout the summer. We’ll also have DJ Sandy every Saturday night. Here’s the next couple of weeks.
Friday August 9 – The All Stars Band from 8p to 11p
Saturday August 10 – DJ Sandy at 830p

Friday August 16 – new to Turner Camp, the Darryl Armistead Acoustic Duo
Saturday August 17 – DJ Sandy
While the Final Show this weekend signals the end of the 2019 Youth Program, there are still plenty of fun, food, and frivolity through the end of the September!
Labor Day weekend is the Bocci Ball Tournament of Beer Mountain, hosted by the Becker Family!
Sep 7 & 8 is the Elgin Softball Tournament on the A-Field with Saturday party in the Raths
Sep 13 & 14 – we close out the Raths with the All Turner Picnic featuring Friday night Texas Hold’em and Saturday afternoon Bags Tournament
Sep 15 – catch the Bears game up at the Barenhole
Sep 20-22 – is the Baers Fall picnic, Texas Hold’em, Bags and lots of food is sure to be available
Sep 27 & 28 – Tuna, Tuna, Tuna, Tuna Tournament bar open Friday night with the hunt for Tuna Saturday with food and prizes back at the Barenhole
Oct – Jan – Sunday Bear games are on at the Barenhole
YOUTH - The last week of program is going great, but we’re all pretty bummed it’s all coming to an end! Last week our campers of the week were Quinn Sandine and Oliver Smith! I can’t wait to see how amazing the final show will be- I know all of the campers have been working so hard to make it awesome! Doors open at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:00pm and admission is $3. Hope to see you there!
This week at the pool went great! We had several campers pass into the next level this week including Sophie Shannon, Oliver Smith, Michaela Valentine and Ben Valentine all passing from Intermediates to Swimmers; Evan Alexander and Jackson Garelli passing from Swimmers to Advanced Swimmers! This week’s Swimmers of the Week were Everett Livingston for Tiny Tots, Sebastian Muntainer for Beginners, Allen Haskins for Advanced Beginners, Clare Blasgen for Intermediates, Sierra Baumann for Swimmers, and Ale Byrne for Advanced Swimmers. Campers, keep up the hard work during this last week of program!
THE BOCCI BALL BAKE SALE IS BACK! The Youth Committee is having a bake sale at the bocci ball tournament on Saturday August 31st at 9am. If you would like to donate baked goods, please bring them up to Beer Mountain on Saturday the 31st. Please have your items divided and wrapped for individual sale. All proceeds benefit the Youth Program. Please see Shawn Dahm or Nicole Sandine if any questions. Thank You - Youth Committee
Golf - The 2019 IL Dist. Turner Golf 2-person Scramble / Best Ball Event $60.00 per person on Saturday, August 10, 2019 - 10 AM Quasi Shotgun Start at Cary Country Club - 2400 Grove Lane in Cary, IL Handicapped for senior’s, women, bad golfers - Cash Prizes for SKINS, Long Drives, Closest to the Pins, 1st, 2nd place, and Mistery Scores. Sign up at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text Bob Haderlein 773-859-2398
Celebration of Life for Lifelong Turner - Bonnie Friese Garelli, on Saturday, August 10 at 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM in the Rathskeller. Please think of any special memory of Bonnie you would like to share. A light luncheon will be served. Thank you, Laurie Van Dahm
Junior Dance – PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE - Road Trip to Turner Camp – After the Fina Show 9 – 11 pm $4.00 Entrance Fee. Thank you, Jennifer Gonzalez and Nancy Baumann
Ladies Luncheon - Tuesday, August 13, 12:00 noon at the A Field Shelter
RSVP by August 11 Mary Boergerhoff 847-902-8565 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lyn Garfinkle 614-309-3815 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let us know what you plan on bringing. Chose from appetizer, salad, dessert, dinners rolls, drinks, paper products (plates, napkins, plastic cups)
The Ladies are having a fundraiser - We are selling Turner Camp patches. Three dollars each and five dollars for two. See Ann
Swim Meet - A big shout out to Madison Dahm and all her helpers including timers and score keepers for holding a magnificent swim meet this past Sunday August 4th.
Maddie decided too resurrect this great camp tradition and it was great. The meet went on without any issues, it was well attended, and everyone had a great time.
If you missed it this time around, she plans on continuing this tradition in the future so look forward to attending and maybe even participating. A little bird told me it may be right after the Founder’s day activities on the A field. Thanks again Maddie, it was great!!! Lisa Webb
Memorial Swim Pool - Thanks to Chris Mostyn and everyone who helped make Penny Social such a success. Our half of the donation amounted to $791 which has been deposited to the replacement of our fantastic swimming pool. Thank you all who helped make it a success.Thank you to Tony Garelli, Dick and Mindy Sharp, and Louise Koenig for their donations in memory of Bonnie. And thank you to all the people that donated throughout the summer for their generous donations in memory of their friends, relatives and loved ones. WE NEED OUR POOL!! Sincerely,
Barbie Zweifel
PENNY SOCIAL - A BIG SHOUT OUT to the following:
Once again, the Reuters donated a huge amount of Menards stuff. Thank you for being our BIGGEST donors each year. The Micari’s for the amazing Raffle prizes and to all the others that donated items. We were able to pull it off in a short period of time because of Marge and Jerry Naegele, Barb, Curt and Matthew Litza, Dave and Barb Zweifel, Mary and Dick Becker, Mackenzie Boress, Nancy and Sierra Baumann and Liz Kenty. It was truly a success. We made $1561 which was split between the Pool Memorial Fund and Pool Maintenance. This is true TURNERISM at its best!!!! If you see any of them, please give them a big Turner Hug!!!! Chris Mostyn
District Secretary Posting - Duties include:
Attending all Camp and Council meetings and taking the minutes at all meetings
Email meeting minutes and remind council members of up coming meetings
Collaborate with the treasurer for meeting financial statements
Organizes the yearly Illinois district convention, records minutes of the convention and emails minutes to society reps.
Coordinates Illinois District delegates that attend National Convention
Communicates with National Secretary regarding Illinois District events
If there needs to be any adjustments made to the posting, we will let you know ASAP. Thanks, Art
WEEKLY BULLETIN If you would like to publish an item please email me no later than Wednesday afternoon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Make sure to give me time and location of your events as well. You will need to email me your information, please no more text messages. Thank you, Chris Mostyn