Revised and Approved: September 28, 2015
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Illinois Turner Camp Map
Salutation, History, and Governance
Turner Camp Rules and Regulations
I. Privileges
II. Cottage Ownership 1
III. Ground Lease Policy and Procedures 2
IV. Cottage Rentals 2-3
V. General Rules 3-4
VI. Building and Grounds 4-5
VII. Garbage and Trash Disposal 5-6
VIII. Memorial Swimming Pool 6
IX. Vehicles and Parking 7
X. Youth Program 7-8
Enforcement of Rules and Regulations 8
Auxiliary Organizations; Snowbaers 9
Property Management Policy
Cottage Owner Prequalification Form
Cottage Owner Transfer Form
Application for Construction at Turner Camp
Vehicle, Boat, Trailer Storage Agreement
If you have any questions, please leave a message with the Facility Manager; at 224/800-3636. Include a brief description of your problem or question, your name, and how to contact you. Your message will be referred to the appropriate committee or officer. You are also able to access information from the Illinois Turners website at:

The Turner Camp of the Illinois Turner District, located on the Fox River near Algonquin, Illinois, is dedicated to further the interests and aims of the American Turners. It shall at all times be the duty of those delegated to manage this Camp, to conduct all activities therein to conform with the high ideals as set forth in the fundamental principles of the American Turners. The purpose of this project shall be to promote the health and happiness of our members, and to enrich the physical and mental development of our children.
Alfred Wild, an intrepid Turner and lover of nature, recognized the advantages of establishing an outdoor playground where the younger generation could spend its summer vacations amidst the freedom of the great outdoors and its environment.
Under his leadership, pilgrimages were undertaken with his gymnasium classes and he taught them to appreciate the beauties of nature. The success of those journeys inspired other members to join this movement and the idea then was conceived of establishing a permanent location.
A small tract of leased land comprising an area of approximately five acres, located on the north bank of the beautiful Fox River near Cary, Illinois, marked the beginning of our Illinois Turner Camp. Gradually the members of the various societies of the Illinois Turner District envisioned the ultimate possibilities of this venture. Tents were procured, some by purchase and others by donations, and erected to provide shelter for those desiring to spend a few days in the Camp. A dining hall of limited capacity was constructed and equipped, and recreations such as bathing, boating, etc. were installed.
At first intended as a recreation spot for our youth exclusively, it was at once hailed by the elders of the Illinois Turner District as a medium for procuring a sounder affiliation between the members of every society, and unquestionably this objective has been achieved.
Due to the intermingling of members, closer friendships have been formed. It can justly be affirmed that this project has perpetuated the Turner ideals in Chicago and vicinity and, incidentally, assured a stronger bond between the societies of the American Turners.
After several years at the original location, the demand for accommodations had increased to such an extent that the facilities were entirely inadequate and it was found necessary to seek a larger place. In the fall of the year 1919, a plot of land located on the opposite shore of the Fox River, consisting of approximately 40 acres of partly wooded land, was purchased and our Camp was moved to that new location. In 1925 an additional 40 acres were acquired, and in 1927 an adjacent farm property, consisting of 44 acres with river frontage, etc., were added to our holdings. In 1969 additional property along the river was acquired with the purchase of an adjoining golf course.
From a modest beginning with a 5 acre leasehold, this Camp has now expanded by successive purchases of land to a tract approximately 117 acres in area, and instead of a few tents which were the only places of abode, 267 substantial cottages owned by individual members have been constructed.
In addition thereto, a large community dining hall, kitchen, dormitories, Camp owned cottages and numerous other buildings were erected for the convenience of members and their families. This Turner mecca has become the recreation ground of both old and young and annually, from the advent of spring until late fall, thousands visit this beautiful spot where good fellowship in the truest sense prevails.
The successful operation of this Camp was not attained in one season. Each year since the beginning, a great many problems pertaining to the welfare of our fellow members had to be solved. Their problems were both physical and financial, but thanks to the honest and faithful endeavors of all members of the committees, it was possible to surmount all difficulties. The results accomplished have truly laid a firm foundation upon which the perpetuity of this grand project shall endure. As the Camp became an established reality, its members did not sit back in a state of apathy; instead, the various societies of the Illinois District, through the Camp Committee, brought forward new ideas to improve this playground for the benefit of all, from toddlers to grandparents.
Electricity, a beautiful new swimming pool, tennis courts, an athletic area with a children's playground, a new patio at the Rathskellar, and a more modern sanitary water system are some of the conveniences added for the pleasure of the members. These new improvements do not diminish the original customs and traditions initiated by our Founders. Campfires, singing and hiking are still part of the Camp's broad and varied program.
In remembrance of the Founder, Alfred Wild, we have a Founders' Day program, which is held each summer. On this day the members and friends gather at the Alfred Wild Memorial Site. This memorial is unique, as a plaque was set in a meteor found on our grounds and moved to this spot. On this day, we also recall the basic teaching of Turner principles, lest we lose these philosophies.
A full program of physical education, swimming, organized games and handicraft, under the supervision of qualified instructors, is provided daily throughout the summer season for all children living in private cottages with their parents.
Our Dining room and Rathskellar are the principal source of revenue, and we stress the importance of your patronage. The service is first class in every respect, with prices as low as consistent with the cost of preparation of the best foods that the markets afford. And so, as each generation passes from youth to maturity, each draws its pleasure and each injects its work and ideas to keep the American Turners a moving and expanding organization.
Non-member guests should be made familiar with the philosophy and the principles of the American Turners; Guests should be encouraged to join an Illinois District Turner Society, so as to enjoy all the privileges and benefits of Illinois Turner Camp.
Without the cooperation of the members of the Illinois Turner District and the members of the Auxiliaries, the achievement of the present goal would have been impossible. Those pioneer campers who, in the early years of our existence, labored and toiled incessantly can now point with pride at the results of their efforts.
Illinois Turner Camp Governance
The Illinois Turner Camp is owned by the Illinois District of the American Turners. The Illinois District is comprised of the five Chicago area Turner Societies. Aurora Turners, Eiche Turners, Elgin Turners, Lincoln Turners, and Northwest Turners. The Illinois District is governed by the District Council. The District Council is comprised of Turner members and officers elected to the council, as well as the President or representative of each society and the Cottage Owners President at the annual Illinois District Convention in January. The District Council meets the 4th Monday of each month with the exception of December when there is no meeting. The District Council oversees and delegates day to day operational authority for Turner Camp operations to the Camp Committee. The Camp Committee is comprised of District President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer, Cottage Owner Association President & Vice President, and the chairpersons of Youth. Buildings & Grounds, Pool, Bar, and Restaurant. Each committee chairperson manages camp operations for their area of responsibility, along with their committee members. The Camp Committee meets periodically over the summer and less frequently in the offseason. The committee chairpersons serve at the request of the District President. Each committee chairperson elects their committee. The Cottage Owners Association is comprised of all cottage owners, but is not part of the governing process.
The privileges of the Illinois Turner Camp are limited to members of Illinois District Turner Societies, their spouses and children under the age of eighteen, members of the Ladies Auxiliary, and visiting Turners.
- ALL Turners, guests and children are subject, DURING THE ENTIRE CALENDAR YEAR, to the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Turner Camp. All cottage owners are responsible for the actions of their family and guests.
- ALL Turners and guests should be prepared at ALL times to properly identify themselves to Camp officials. Failure to produce proper identification shall be cause for expulsion from Camp.
- The Illinois Turner Camp requires generally accepted behavior from all individuals on Camp property, who must also obey all local, state and federal laws. Behavior problems will referred to the Camp Committee for resolution.
- COTTAGE OWNERSHIP and OCCUPANCY (May 1st – October 31st)
The Illinois Turner Camp is owned by the Illinois District of the American Turners. A member in good standing of an Illinois District Society for at least one year is eligible to purchase a cottage on Camp property. The District continues to own and regulate the land and provides the cottage owner with a "ground lease" for the land on which the cottage rests.
All new cottage owners serve a probation period before receiving their ground lease. If you have been a member in good standing for at least three years, the probation period is one year from the date the cottage transfer was approved by the District Council. If you have been a member less than three years, the probation period is one year or until you complete three years of membership, whichever is longer.
Cottage Purchase Requirements:
- When both spouses are members, they may not purchase a second cottage either for themselves or another family to buy or rent. Previous multiple cottage ownership has been grandfathered.
- There is no multiple ownership of a cottage. Every cottage must be in an individual member's name.
- A cottage must be purchased by the person who is going to use the cottage.
Cottage Purchase Procedures:
- The District Council MUST APPROVE the sale of ALL cottages before an owner may finalize sale arrangements.
- A properly completed Ground Lease Transfer form and the Cottage Owner Prequalification form MUST BE attached and submitted to the District Council. (See Appendix for Forms)
- ALL private cottage sales and lease transfers must be approved by the District Council at a regular meeting.
- A new Ground Lease for the cottage will be issued bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Illinois District.
- ALL new cottage owners MUST attend a New Cottage Owners Meeting.
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Conditions for Continued Ownership:
- The cottage owner must remain a member in good standing of an Illinois District Society.
- The cottage owner must obey all rules and regulations of the Illinois District and Illinois Turner Camp.
- ALL Cottage Owners are encouraged to attend the Cottage Owners meetings.
- The cottage owner must pay all fees and assessments when due.
- The cottage owner must also accept the responsibility of serving on the various Camp operations (Restaurant, Bar, Pool) when so requested. There is a fine for failure to honor any duty obligations.
III. Illinois District Turner Camp Ground Lease Policy & Procedures
Annual Timeline:
- 4th Monday of September – Illinois District Council approves the operating charge and overall ground lease charges.
- 1st Week of October – annual ground leases are distributed to all cottage owners.
- The ground lease will include the annual charges and any unpaid fines incurred during the recently ended camp season.
- Full payment is due by November 1.
- It is the responsibility of the cottage owner to notify the Illinois District Treasurer in the event they do not receive a ground lease by October 20.
- Non-receipt of a ground lease invoice is not a valid reason for non-payment by specified due date. Interest and penalties will apply.
- November 1 – ground leases not paid in full by November 1 begin to accrue 1% interest per month on unpaid balances in excess of $100, including unpaid fines, until full payment is received.
- January 1 – deadline for submission of hardship requests.
- March 1 – ground leases with a balance of $100 or more are assessed a late fee of $50 and are given until the first weekend of the camp season to pay in full or their cottage will be padlocked and ownership reverts to the Illinois District. Interest of 1% per month continues to accrue on unpaid balances over $100.
- First Weekend of camp Season – final ground lease payment is due.
- After First Weekend of camp season
- Payments received on ground leases with an unpaid balance of over $100 need executive committee approval for acceptance.
- Payments received on ground leases with unpaid balances of less than $100 will be accepted without executive committee approval.
- Fines incurred between the beginning of the camp season and final payment of ground lease will NOT be factored in to the payment due, but will be handled as any other fine.
Additional Information
- Hardship Requests
- Requests for hardship considerations must be submitted in writing to the Illinois District Council by January 1, with details of specific request/payment plan desired.
- If the requested payment plan approved by the Illinois District Council is not adhered to, the ground lease will revert to consequences outlined in “After First Weekend of camp season”.
- Abandoned Cottages
- Fines assessed for missed duties in the season a cottage is abandoned will not be the responsibility of a new owner when the Illinois District sells the cottage.
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IV. COTTAGE RENTALS (June 1st – October 1st)
The Illinois Turner Camp offers a limited number of cottages for rental on a nightly, weekend, or seasonal basis. A member in good standing of an Illinois District Society is eligible to rent a cottage, either privately-owned or Camp-owned.
Procedures for renting a Camp-owned cottage:
- Rental Season is June 1st to October 1st.
- The occupant must be a member in good standing for at least three months, and/or a recent 18 year old, or staff member of a Turner family.
- Seasonal rental will include a Coupon Book, and individual pool tags.
- Arrangements for rental cottages are handled by Camp’s Facility Manager. A deposit must be made at time of occupancy, and will be refunded upon return of the key, provided the cottage is left in clean condition inside and out.
- The cottage renter enjoys the same privileges and accepts the same responsibilities as a cottage owner.
Procedures for renting a privately-owned cottage:
- The occupant must be a member in good standing for at least one year.
- All financial arrangements are between the cottage owner and the renter.
- The Camp Committee must be notified in writing by the cottage owner of the rental and the membership status of the occupant.
- The cottage renter enjoys the same privileges and accepts the same responsibilities as a cottage owner. When a privately owned cottage is rented, the owner waives his/her rights to pool tags and participation in the Youth Program. Any duties remain the responsibility of the cottage owner and any fines or penalties accruing during the rental period will be charged to the cottage owner.V. GENERAL RULES
- Children under the age of eighteen (18) are not allowed to occupy any cottage or building on Turner Camp property unless a responsible member is staying with them.
- Non-member guests may stay in a private cottage provided the host member is present in the cottage with the guest. Non-member guests must be accompanied at all times by the host member while on Turner Camp property.
- Residency in cottages is prohibited from November 1st to April 30th of each year. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action up to and including the cancellation of your ground lease.
- Year Round Living is not permitted at Turner Camp. During the off season, you are welcome to use your cottage for occasional weekend or vacation recreational purposes, but no more than two consecutive days within a week’s period, and not for regular daily or weekly living.
- Cottage Owners are responsible for the behavior of their guests, and it is the cottage owners’ responsibility to ensure that all guests follow the rules and regulations of the Illinois District and Illinois Turner Camp.
- Ball Playing is permitted only on fields or areas specifically laid out for that purpose. Courtesy and rules of sportsmanship should be exhibited at all times when using the Turner Camp athletic facilities.
- Boats and Piers: Launching of boats or personal watercraft is not permitted from Camp property. The Illinois Turner Camp does not allow new pier construction. Existing boat piers are grandfathered. Lifts or piers cannot be removed from the water before November 1 and must be put back by April 1. By April 1 annually, all pier owners must provide the Illinois District Treasurer with a certificate of insurance for their pier listing the Illinois District/Turner Camp as an “additional insured” party.
- Campfires are not permitted, except under the direct supervision or authority of the management.
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- Outdoor grills or portable fireplaces are permitted with proper screens and lids in place; they cannot be placed in areas that cause obstruction of natural walkways or encroach on their neighbors. They must be properly supervised and controlled by the cottage owner in whose area the equipment is located. Yard waste, construction debris or garbage must not be burned.
- Dogs are permitted at Illinois Turner Camp. Dogs may not be at the Athletic Field, playground, or any areas devoted to youth sports activities. Animals may not be on a leash outside a cottage unless the owner is outside with the animal. If a cottage owner does bring a domesticated animal to Camp, it must be kept on a leash, kept reasonably quiet, kept under control and, when walked, the droppings must be picked up.
- Dangerous Equipment and Weapons, including but not limited to firearms, fireworks, bows & arrows, air rifles, and paint ball guns are not permitted on Turner Camp property.
- No hunting, or trapping is permitted on Turner Camp property, except as permitted in the Property Management Policy (See Appendix for Policy). Wild animal control may be permitted if it authorized by the Executive Committee.
- Private parties in public areas must be approved in advance by the Camp Committee.
- Mail and package deliveries may be received during the camp season, but Illinois Turner Camp CANNOT be used as a permanent mailing address. Any mail received during the off season will be returned to the U.S. Post Office.
- Solicitations/Fund Raising are permitted within Turner Camp for or on behalf of Turner organizations with Camp Committee approval. All other solicitations are not permitted by anyone.
- Use of ANY Illegal Drugs or Controlled Substances by anyone is prohibited in any part of Turner Camp property and is against the law.
- Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages is only permitted for those 21 years of age or older.
In order to maintain the natural beauty of our Camp, each cottage owner should take pride in the physical appearance of his cottage and the surrounding area. All cottage owners must accept the responsibility of maintaining Camp grounds, including the cutting of grass and weeds surrounding their cottage. If an owner fails to accept this responsibility, the Camp Committee will appoint someone to do so at the owner’s expense. The first instance in a season will be $25, the second $50, and any further instances $100.
- No tree may be cut down on Turner Camp property without permission from the Building and Grounds Committee. Failure to obtain permission prior to removing a tree will result in a fine to the cottage owner.
- The laying of any tiling or pipeline must be approved by the Building and Grounds Committee.
- Permission from the Illinois District Council must be obtained before arranging for telephone service or natural gas installation at a private cottage. These requests must be in writing and any request for natural gas must include the required $50 gas permit fee. All new telephone lines must be underground and at no cost to the Camp.
- No cottage owner may tap into Camp water lines. If such a tap is discovered, it will result in a fine and the connection will be broken. A second instance by the cottage owner will potentially result in cancellation of the cottage owner’s ground lease.
- Cottage owners who are planning on doing construction can access the ITC website and print out the application form, and send it to P.O. Box 211, Fox River Grove, IL 60021. Once it is submitted, the chair of building and grounds will contact the cottage owner concerning the construction. (See Appendix for Form)
- When Building and Grounds or a Tree Service removes a tree near a cottage; only the large objects will be removed, it is up to the cottage owner to rake up leaves and small branches.
- Camp tools and equipment are only to be used by employees of the Illinois District and members of Building and Grounds unless authorized by Building and Grounds Chair or the Facility Manager.
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H. Building Alterations and Modifications: (September 1st to May 31st)
- ALL exterior alterations and modifications; including roofs, must be reviewed and approved by the Building and Grounds Committee.
- The Illinois District Council has placed a moratorium on all new cottage and new room additions construction. Unless, or until, this regulation is amended, no application for a new cottage or new room construction will be considered.
- Exterior construction, except for repair work as defined by Building and Grounds, is not permitted during the Camp season. If, for any reason, spring construction is delayed so that a project will not be completed by the start of the Camp season, the site must be cleared of all equipment and protection installed, to make the area safe for the children of Camp during the season. Work may be restarted after the close of the season.
- To ensure that no work is in progress during the season, all applications for exterior alterations must be received by the Building and Grounds Committee by the following dates:
Spring Construction March 15
Fall Construction July 15
Sketches or drawings must be submitted to the Building & Grounds Committee for any exterior modification work. One set of drawings will be posted on the building site. This does not apply to repairs, provided structural work is not involved
- A deposit of $150 is required for all exterior repair or construction work. This deposit must be turned in to the Facility Manager or a member of the Building & Grounds Committee BEFORE work is started. The deposit will be returned once it has been confirmed that cleanup work has been satisfactorily completed.
- The cottage owner is responsible for disposal of all construction debris. If use is made of the Camp dumpsters, arrangements must be made in advance with the Facility Manager. A fee will be charged to the cottage owner for the removal and disposal of the construction debris.
- Camp vehicles and equipment are not to be used by cottage owners for hauling debris, cottage construction, or repair work, unless authorized by the Facility Manager.
I. Definitions/Requirements of common cottage features
- Porches and Decks – Above ground level and/or have railings. Maximum size of a porch is 36 sq. ft. Oversize porches or decks are permitted up to a maximum of 200 sq. ft. A special fee is charged annually based on the size of the oversize porch or deck. All porches and decks must be approved by the Building & Grounds Committee.
- Sheds – Maximum size/dimension of a shed is 36 sq. ft. or 6 ft. by 6 ft. Shed placement and style must be approved by the Building & Grounds Committee. A special fee is charged annually.
- Patio – Ground level without fences or railings. Size is limited by available flat ground and proximity to other cottages. Consult the Building & Grounds Committee before starting any new patio construction.
- Satellite Dish - Installation must be approved by the Building & Grounds Committee.
- All garbage must be placed in the dumpsters, or recycle bins.
- Throwing garbage in the recycling bin is prohibited violators will be fined.
- No yard waste shall be thrown in the burn pit in plastic bags, paper bags only.
B. Landscape waste must be placed in concrete bunkers in large parking lot and center of Camp.
C. By county regulations, we may burn landscape waste ONLY in April-May and October/November. If we suffer major storm damage during other times, Camp management is permitted to burn on an emergency basis.
D. Only the Facility Manager, and Building and Grounds are permitted to light the landscape waste bunkers. Unauthorized lighting will result in disciplinary action.
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E. Appliances, TV’s, or large bulky items; such as construction debris, and furniture may not be disposed of on Turner Camp property unless arrangements are made in advance with the Facility Manager and a separate dumpster fee will be charged. The amount of the fee will be dependent on the quantity of the trash.
- No person allowed in pool or concession area without current ID tag or proper registration at office or with Lifeguard on duty.
- Cottage owners receive pool tags for owner, spouse, and children 17 years and under. Individuals 18 years of age and over must join an Illinois District Society to purchase a season tag or pay daily member fees. All Illinois District Society members may purchase individual season tags or pay daily member fee. Non-member guests are subject to daily fees and must be accompanied by host member.
- ONLY Pool Shoes that are not worn outside of the pool area are permitted in pool facility. All other shoes must be removed at designated shoe rack area outside the pool facility.
- Strollers are permitted in designated family areas.
- ALL persons are required to take a shower before entering pool complex.
- Infants and children who are not toilet trained are permitted in the pool or baby pool provided they are wearing approved swimming diapers.
- Hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back or capped.
- Persons having any skin disorders or infections, eye infections or open sores will not be permitted in pool area. No bandages are permitted.
- All bathers must wear swimsuits. Street clothes without shoes are permitted in Concession area only.
- Children under 8 years of age must be accompanied by parent or guardian anywhere in pool facility. Parent or guardian must be in close proximity to the child at all times. Wading pool is limited to 5 years of age and under.
- Food, beverages and smoking is permitted in designated concession area only. No glass containers are allowed in any area of the pool facility including the Concession area. ALL Alcoholic Beverages MUST remain in the concession area. ONLY water is permitted outside of the concession area.
- No unauthorized persons are permitted in pool office at any time. No personal use of pool facility telephone will be permitted.
- ALL posted rules in pool facility must be followed at all times. Running and ball throwing are not permitted at any time.
- The use of kickboards, tubes and other water equipment must be approved by lifeguard.
- Safety Breaks will be called every hour. During safety breaks, children under 18 must be completely out of the water, off diving boards, and away from the edge of pool.
- Only one person at a time is permitted on a diving board. Diving is not permitted until the previous diver has cleared the area. No swimming allowed in diving area. Persons must dive straight out from end of board.
- ALL injuries occurring on pool premises must be reported immediately to the lifeguard on duty.
- The lifeguards communicate with swimmers and each other with whistles. One whistle is to get a swimmer's attention, two whistles are to get the attention of another guard; and three whistles signifies an emergency situation where everyone is to clear the pool immediately.
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- The speed limit on all Camp roads is ten (10) miles per hour.
- ALL traffic control signs must be observed at all times.
- ALL motor vehicles are restricted to roadways and service roads only. All service roads will be locked from November 1st to May 1st. Service roads are to be used ONLY for loading and unloading unusually heavy items. For off season access, please contact the Facility Manager.
- All terrain vehicles, riding lawn mowers (used as transportation), golf carts, mini-bikes and all other non-licensed motor-driven vehicles are not permitted in Camp.
- Parking near cottages is prohibited. Cottage owners are permitted to load or unload from their vehicles, but ALL vehicles MUST be parked in a designated parking lot as indicated on the Camp map.
- ALL requests for handicapped privileges must be submitted in writing to the Camp Committee ANNUALLY.
- Any vehicles not parked in specified areas and/or abandoned vehicles may be towed at any time at owner's expense.
- Boats, boat trailers, and snowmobile trailers must be labeled with the owners name and parked in the designated storage area, or as directed by the Facility Manager. Unauthorized parking will result in the trailer being towed at owner's expense. Please see the Facility Manager for fees and to make arrangements for storage of trailers during the camp season.
- Campers, house trailers, or other vehicles, which provide sleeping or cooking accommodations will not be permitted on Camp property from May 1st through October 14th.
- Any off-season storage of campers, house trailers, boats or other vehicles on Camp property must be arranged through the Facility Manager and the proper storage fee paid in advance. (See Appendix for Storage Agreement and Refer to Annually Posted Fees)
- Seasonal Storage is May 1st through October 14th.
- Winter Storage is October 15th through April 30th.
K. Bike riding, skateboards and in-line skating are not permitted on Camp property, including all roads.
ALL children at Camp who are 6 years old by September 1st or entering 1st grade are at all times responsible to the management for their behavior and observance of all rules and regulations of the Illinois Turner Camp and the Youth Committee. The Youth Committee and Staff are responsible for supervision of the Youth during all Camp-organized youth activities. The Parents are responsible for their children's behavior at all times.
- ALL children under the age of 15, living for a period of three days or more at Camp, are REQUIRED to participate in the Youth program. If a child does not participate in morning activities and swimming lessons, he or she will not be allowed free swim. We acknowledge the natural right of a parent to alter his child's participation in our program as the need arises.
- Curfew throughout Camp is based on Illinois state law:
Friday & Saturday
Under age 10
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
Ages 10 through 13
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
Ages 14 through 17
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
- ALL children must be in the cottages, as specified by the above curfew.
- ALL children in the Rathskellar on Friday and Saturday nights MUST BE supervised by a parent/guardian. They are also subject to the posted curfew for the Rathskellar area
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C. The Tweenie and Junior Clubs are organized and administered by their members and volunteer adult sponsors, subject to Camp Committee approval. The Tweenie and Junior Clubhouses are under the supervision of their sponsors
D. Children and parents/guardians not observing these rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
E. Anyone interested in being a counselor must be at least 15 years old and are holding a current American Red Cross Lifeguard and First Aid Certification
- By the terms of their ground leases, all cottage owners have agreed to obey the rules and regulations of the Illinois District and Illinois Turner Camp.
- Only the District Council at a regular or special meeting may change or make exceptions to these rules.
- It shall be the duty of the Camp Committee to enforce all rules and regulations of the Illinois Turner Camp. Any complaints must be submitted in writing or in person at a regular or special Camp Committee meeting.
- The Camp Committee will investigate any violation and implement appropriate action. Such action depends on the severity of the offense and could include, but is not limited to, written reprimand, community service, restitution, and/or suspension or expulsion. If the Camp Committee is unable to achieve a successful resolution of the violation, it will recommend to the District Council that the cottage owner's ground lease be cancelled.
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Rules and Regulations
- Note sign on post at Barenhohle when entering Camp. (Must be green for snowmobiling - minimum 4" of snow on frozen ground; 6" on unfrozen).
- Must stay on trails laid out by Snowbaers.
- When going through a flagged area you must stay between the flags.
- No access to the river except for one designated trail to be determined by the Snowbaers each year when the trails are set up.
- Any person may go off the trail to go to his or her or any other cottages to visit only by leaving the trail at the closest point to that cottage.
- Roads may be used in Camp only at Camp speed limits.
- If snow is worn down on any part of a trail it is a must that we stop and add snow to that area so the grass or machines will not be ruined.
- No one under the age of 12 is permitted to drive a machine.
- A child 12 to 16 is only permitted to drive a snowmobile after he or she has completed a safety course with the Illinois Department of Conservation and can prove it.
- Helmets must be worn on Camp property.
- Any member can stop anyone snowmobiling in Camp and make them aware of our rules.
- Abide by Illinois State rules.
- No trail riding around Camp after midnight.
- You must be a member of the Snowbaers and submit proof of insurance to the Snowbaers to ride at Camp.
- The Snowbaers are an Auxiliary of the Illinois District.
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Two Turner members in good standing will be assigned to manage the wooded property across the street from Illinois Turner Camp for a three year term. They will be responsible for checking the property a minimum of two times per week during the off season, and reporting the status of the property to the Facility Manager. They will be expected to check for any trespassing, illegal hunting, dumping, or any other illegal activities and reporting violators to the authorities. They will also keep the property posted for no trespassing and hunting. The two individuals assigned to this volunteer duty will have permission to bow hunt the property during their tenure. Every three years, the Camp Committee will solicit resumes and select two individuals for this position. The two individuals will also be responsible for providing a report at all Camp Committee and District Council meetings.
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I, ______________________________, a member of _____________________________ for at least one full year, am interested in purchasing a cottage at Illinois Turner Camp.
I hereby certify that:
1) I or my spouse do not currently own a cottage or, if I or my spouse do own a cottage, I will put my current cottage up for sale at a reasonable market price at the conclusion of the purchase of a new cottage.
2) I do not currently owe any monies to the Illinois Turner Camp.
3) I am not currently under any disciplinary action by the Illinois Turner Camp,
4) I understand the Illinois District of the American Turners will continue to own and control the land.
5) I understand I must attend a new cottage owners meeting within the first season I own a cottage to validate the sale.
6) I understand the ownership of the cottage can only be maintained by remaining a member in good standing of my local Society, by obeying all rules and regulations of Illinois Turner Camp, by paying all fees and assessments billed to my cottage, and by performing all assigned duties during the season.
Phone: _____________________________
Email: _____________________________
Before submitting this form to the seller of a cottage, please have the information below filled in by the Financial Secretary of the purchaser’s Turner society.
This will certify that I have examined my records as Financial Secretary of ___________________________________ (Society) and find that _____________________________ (Prospective Cottage Owner) has been a member in good standing since _____________________ (Date).
Society Officer
This form must be given to the seller of a cottage, and attached to the Cottage Transfer Form for approval by the Illinois District Council.
*This Form is Valid for the Current Membership Year.
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I, _______________________________, owner of Cottage Number _______, have this day released all claims to Cottage Number ________, which I have sold to _________________________________, a Turner in good standing for at least one year, who hereby agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of the Illinois District and the Illinois Turner Camp. Signed: _______________________ Signed: _____________________________
Present Owner Purchaser of Cottage
Date: _______________________ Address: _____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Forward this form to the Illinois District Treasurer, or send it to P.O. Box 211, Fox River Grove, IL 60021 who will complete this section and present it to the Illinois District Council.
I have examined the records of the Illinois District and certify that no fees are outstanding against
Cottage Number _______.
Illinois District Treasurer
The transfer of Cottage Number ___________ to _____________________________________ was approved at the regular District Council meeting dated ____________________________.
By: ________________________________
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Application for Construction
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Phone: ______________________________________ Cottage #: __________
Type of Construction:
- Exterior Construction Shed
- Porch Patio
- Deck Satellite Dish
Other: ___________________________________________
Description of Planned Construction: ___________________________________________
Use the Space Below for a Drawing of the Proposed Project or Attach a Drawing if Required
Do Not Write Below this Line
Approved: _________________________________________ Date: ________________
Clean Up Deposit: Required Waived
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Illinois District of American Turners (aka “Illinois Turner Camp” Vehicle/Boat/Trailer Storage Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT (hereafter Agreement) is made by and between the Illinois District of American Turners (hereafter LESSOR) And
________________________________________________ (hereafter LESSEE) for the storage by LESSEE of LESSOR’S storage premises for LESSEE’S vehicle, boat, personal watercraft (e.g. jet ski), snowmobile, and/or accompanying trailer (hereafter Premises).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
- LESSOR’S Name and Address:
Illinois Turner Camp
Route 3, Box 238
Algonquin, IL 60102
- LESSEE’S Name, Address and Phone Number:
Name: ___________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________
e-mail: ___________________________________________
License Plate Number of Property to be stored (if plated): _________ State of Issue: ____ Expiry:
and/or; Registration Number of Property to be stored (boat, personal watercraft, other): _______ State of Issue:___ Expiry: _____
- SEASONAL STORAGE PERIOD: The LESSOR offers two seasonal storage periods per year – each comprising a separate agreement.
- The Winter Storage Period begins October 15th of each year and ends on April 30th of the subsequent year.
- The Summer Storage Period begins May 1st of each year and ends on October 14th of the same year.
- LESSOR may, at its option, allow LESSEE to begin storing specific property on premises a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of any storage period.
- There are no fractional storage periods.
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a. LESSEE agrees to affix an “Authorized Storage” tag, provided by the LESSOR to a visible part of the stored property (e.g. trailer, auto, boat, personal watercraft, RV).
b. A new Authorized Storage tag shall be issued for each storage period.
c. The Authorized Storage tag is not transferable to another party, but may be transferred to another vehicle/trailer owned by the LESSEE, with LESSOR’s written permission.
- LESSEE agrees to store only property (e.g. boat, trailer, personal watercraft, antique vehicle, RV) that is properly registered with appropriate federal, state, or local government agencies.
- LESSEE agrees to maintain appropriate annual registration of property with appropriate federal/state/local agencies and post visible evidence of such annual registration on LESSEE’S stored property (e.g. license plates, boat sticker).
- LESSEE agrees that failure to maintain and post visible evidence of appropriate annual registration with appropriate federal/state/local authorities shall be deemed by LESSOR to indicate an abandonment of property; and LESSEE grants LESSOR the right to impound, remove, or sell LESSEE’s property at the owner’s expense within TEN DAYS of notification to LESSEE via e-mail or in writing.
- The Seasonal Storage Fee shall be PAYABLE AT TIME OF STORAGE OR IN ADVANCE according to the then current fee schedule, which the LESSOR may amend from time to time without notice.
- Any change to the fee schedule will become effective beginning with the next storage period.
- The Seasonal Storage Fee shall not be prorated for any reason.
- The Agreement will be deemed to continue for the next storage period upon payment and acceptance of the appropriate Seasonal Storage Fee prior to the start of the forthcoming storage period.
- LESSOR may, at its option, allow LESSEE to pay in advance for multiple storage periods into the future.
- Advance payments for periods beyond the current storage period are nonrefundable.
- Advance payments for periods beyond the current storage period shall not be subject to changes in LESSOR’s fee schedule.
- The Seasonal Storage Fee must be paid in the form of a personal or bank check made payable to the Illinois District of American Turners. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED.
- Any check that is returned for any reason will result in a $50 processing fee, and may result in the immediate termination of this contract; and the property shall be removed by the LESSOR at the owner’s expense within TEN DAYS of notification via e-mail or in writing.
- LESSOR reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon 30 (thirty) days written notice to LESSEE.
- LESSOR reserves the right to offer the ability to receive Seasonal Storage Fees and/or other fees payments via alternate methods in the future.
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- In the event LESSEE fails to maintain and display proof of proper registration with appropriate federal, state, or local government agencies OR if the property remains on LESSOR premises beyond the end of a seasonal storage period, LESSOR may impound LESSEE’s stored property on the premises; and LESSEE grants LESSOR the right to remove, dispose and/or sell LESSEE'S property; and recover any expenses incurred by LESSOR related to such actions. Any residual funds shall be remitted to the LESSEE without recourse.
- LESSOR'S rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this Agreement shall be cumulative, and shall not be exclusive of any other rights, remedies and benefits allowed by law.
- LESSEE agrees to provide LESSOR written notice of any change in LESSEE'S home, mailing, and or e-mail address.
- LESSEE agrees to provide LESSOR written notice of any change in ownership of the property stored within the Premises.
- LESSEE agrees to provide written notice to the purchaser of LESSEE’S property that said purchaser must complete a new Storage Agreement for the continued storage of the same or new property within the Premises.
- It shall be the sole responsibility of the LESSEE to provide insurance coverage for all items stored on the Premises.
- LESSOR shall assume no responsibility or liability for any losses to LESSEE'S property while said property is stored on or in the Premises.
- LESSEE expressly provides authorization to move LESSEE’s property for the purpose of allowing other lessee’s to access or store their property.
- LESSEE understands and agrees the Illinois District of American Turners, Illinois Turner Camp, its employees, Council members, or Committee members shall not be responsible or held liable in any manner for the destruction, loss or damage to LESSEE’S property as a result of a moving LESSEE’s property.
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- LESSEE agrees not to use or display any advertising media that shall be deemed objectionable to LESSOR.
- LESSOR is not required to make any improvements or repairs of any kind upon Premises and appurtenances, except as to those improvements or repairs which LESSOR may make at its sole discretion.
- LESSEE agrees not to assign, sublease or in any manner transfer this Agreement to any other party and any attempt to assign or transfer the Agreement without such consent shall be void and without legal effect and shall constitute grounds for immediate termination of agreement.
- LESSEE shall not accumulate or store any waste on the Premises or cause any nuisance or other act which may disturb the LESSOR or any other LESSEE.
- In the event the Premises are partially or totally destroyed as a result of a natural or man-made disaster, LESSOR may, at its option, repair the Premises or choose to terminate this Agreement.
- The Illinois District of American Turners, Illinois Turner Camp, its employees, or cottage owners shall not be responsible or held liable in any manner for the destruction, loss or damage to LESSEE’S property as a result of a natural or man-made disaster which damages or destroys any portion of the Premises and/or its contents.
- LESSEE shall indemnify and hold harmless LESSOR, the State of Illinois, and the United States.
- This Agreement sets forth all the covenants, promises, conditions, and understandings between LESSOR and LESSEE concerning the storage of LESSEE’s property on the Premises.
- This Agreement supersedes any past covenants, promises, agreements, conditions, or understandings, either oral or written.
- No alteration, amendment, change, or addition to this Agreement shall be binding upon LESSOR or LESSEE unless in writing and signed by both parties to this Agreement.
- The parties agree that they shall rely solely upon the terms of this Agreement to govern their relationship.
- They further agree that reliance upon any representation, act, or omission outside the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed unreasonable, and shall not establish any rights or obligations on the part of either party.
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- If any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then such provision or provisions shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions hereof, and such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.
- No delay or omission of LESSOR to exercise any right or power arising upon the occurrence of any event of default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or an acquiescence therein; Every power and remedy given by this Agreement to LESSOR shall be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient in the sole discretion of LESSOR.
- All representations, covenants and warranties set forth in this Agreement, by or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any or all of the parties hereto, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of such party, its successors and assigns.
- LESSEE shall, at his sole cost and expense, comply with all County, State and Federal ordinances and statutes now in force or which may hereafter be in force with regard to this Agreement.
- The judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, or the admission of LESSEE in any action or proceeding against LESSEE, whether LESSOR be a party thereto or not, that LESSEE has violated any such ordinance or statute, shall be conclusive of that fact as between LESSEE and LESSOR.
- All parties to this Agreement warrant and represent that they have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement in the names, titles and capacities herein stated and on behalf of any entities, persons, or firms represented or purported to be represented by such entity(ies), person(s), or firm(s) and that all formal requirements necessary or required by any state and/or federal law in order to enter into this Agreement have been fully complied with.
- This Storage Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LESSOR and LESSEE have agreed to all covenants, promises, conditions, and understandings as stated in this Agreement.
_______________________________________________________________ _________________
_______________________________________________________________ _________________
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