Illinois District Turners

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District Bags Tournament
Saturday, April 01, 2017, 02:00pm
Hits : 680

Annual Illinois District Bags Tournament. This year it will be held once again at Northwest Turners. The tournament will be held on April 1st (No this is not an Aprils Fools Day Joke!) and registration will start at 2pm with the tournament starting promptly at 3pm. The price for the Tournament will be $20 per person for those who wish to have dinner and $15 dollars for those who wish not to have dinner. This is the first tournament of the Turner Cup Series and I am getting tired of handing the trophy to Northwest every year! So get your butts off of your couches and come enjoy a great evening at Northwest! If you have any questions please let myself, Ryan Graham, Ryan Kirchner, or Bob Haderlein know.

Location Northwest Turners, 3825 Willow St, Schiller Park, IL 60176