Illinois District Turners


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CAMP - The Water Show last weekend reminds us that we are past the midpoint of the Summer Program out at Camp.  The Water Show was a great success, we have a new; Jr. Prince/Princess, Prince/Princess and King/Queen and Congratulations to them all - we are proud to have them represent Turner Camp.  We also had a very active Saturday night at the Raths, with multiple entertainment options and fun had by all.  This weekend we have a full Turkey Dinner (Thanksgiving in July!) complete with all the sides.  Come join us and celebrate a holiday dinner with Turner Family.

The Staff has done a tremendous job to date.  Take a moment to stop one of them and thank them for their time, energy, patience and support they give all of our children.  I also want to recognize our Youth Co-Chairs - Nicole Sandine and Tina Odechowski who put in tireless hours to support the Staff and Turner Families.  They are young parents too and are sacrificing time with their own families so they can bring a safe and fun experience to the 60 plus children in the Program.
Thank you, Cory Litza - Acting ITC President

SUNDAY DINNER -  this Sunday's Donna Special is cancelled in lieu of the Betty Barts memorial.  We still look forward to seeing everyone down at the Raths for the memorial, but the timing would be too tight to accomplish both.  Thank you, Donna

YOUTH - WHAT A WEEK!!! Program went super well and consisted of plenty of Water Show practice and games! The campers of the week were Gavin Beeftink and Lacie Power for their awesome attitudes and participation! Water Show was a blast. The kids were so excited to show their parents all that they have learned, especially diving board skills! The swimmers of the week this week were Nathan Becker, Daniel Buckley, Brandon Odachowski, Declan DeRusha, and Oliver Northway! They all had so much enthusiasm and determination while preparing for Water Show! Week 6 includes the 9 and Under sleepout and a field trip for the 10 and overs to a trampoline park! We hope they enjoy these next few weeks leading up to Olympic Week and Final Show!

ART STUDIO –  7/16 - Creating mosaic stepping stones from 9AM to 3PM. Come join the fun. It is $20 per steppingstone, that is the basic cost for the supplies to create one. We will be focusing on making the stones all day. So, if you have things going on early, come later. If you have happenings later in the day, come earlier. This is an open space to create.

7/23 - CHRISTMAS IN JULY IS CANCELLED! I have decided to extend doing mosaics for this Saturday as well. For this activity, we will mosaic different items, such as planters, frames, etc. there is a lot going on this weekend for all of us turners to do. We will do Christmas in July next year. Thank you for understanding.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Sonia Gebhardt
847-909-9950 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BETTY BARTS MEMORIAL - is on Sunday, July 17th from 1 to 4 pm at the Rathskeller. Please join us. Thank you, Nick Barts

RESTARUANT - Restaurant – we've had some great food offerings this past week or so.  Thanks to Donna Litza for the Sunday Evening BLT Specials!  Thanks to Joe Gatz for his Smoked Pulled Pork!  And finally, thanks to Tom Webb for his Texas Cheese Steaks!  It's a team effort around here and we have a great team!
Here are the last few Fish Fry Crew members.
Jim Gerstbrein - married to Jean (Loscher) and a long time Turner.  He is one of our longest crew members going back about 20 years.  When faithful Eleanor Weber retired Jim stepped in to help.  I don't think he realized it would be a 20 year+ commitment!  He fit in well with Bruce Scott and I and took Bruce's gruff training well.  He's enjoys dressing up in tights and roll around the floor trying to pin other guys.  Give that man an Old Style!
Bobby Collins - is the newest (last week) and married to Jenny (Koehler) a lifelong Turner.  They live in the Florida panhandle; some call it the redneck riviera.  And Bobby's got the accent to prove it!  He approached us and offered to heon Friday's.  Little did he know we'd have a crew member taking a couple well deserved nights off and he was immediately drafted!  We threw him right in on frying the fish and he did great!  We appreciate his help.  Get that man a Woodford Reserve and water! Thanks, Scott

Northwest Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon – Wednesday, July 19th is the Northwest Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon at the Raths. This is for ALL Turner Ladies.   We will be enjoying appetizers at 11:30 and lunch will be served at 12:00.  $5.00 for lunch, there will be a cash bar - with bartenders Cheryl and Rose!  Afterward, please stay and play LRC - there will be two choices:  the dime table or the $1.00 table - come and enjoy camaraderie of your fellow Turners.  Any questions, please call or text Maggie DeRusha -847-404-6953.

PENNY SOCIAL – Friday, July 22 @ 7:30 in the Dining Hall. If anyone has any donations for this event, please contact Barbie Litza Dave Zweifel Curt Litza Liz Kenty or Chris Mostyn. There has been some confusing posts as to what we will accept and what we don't except. We will accept gently used items and new items as well as gift basket, gift cards and extra special items for our raffle. We appreciate everything!!! All the proceeds will go to our beautiful ITC pool that every Turner enjoys, Thank you!

VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT - The 4-person Volleyball Tournament is Saturday, July 23rd.  Bring your team to the Sugar Bowl by 8:45 AM and be ready to play at 9:00 AM. All are welcome regardless of skill level. Cost is $ 40.00 per team. If you have any questions or want to play but don't have a team, please call Jim Haderlein at 773-573-8398.

COTTAGE OWNERS MEETINGS – Saturday, July 23rd and Sunday, August 21st. The Cottage Owners meetings serve as an opportunity to keep cottage owners informed about what is going on around Turner Camp.  There is a lot of new information to share – please save the dates and plan to attend. 9:00 am for New Cottage Owners – 10:00 am for Existing Cottage Owners

ILLINOIS DISTRICT LADIES CARD PARTY - SATURDAY, JULY 23 AT THE DINING HALL - 7:30 PM. Thanks to all that have participated for all the past years.  Hope to see you all again this year.  Would appreciate all donations.  Monies have been used for maintenance and upgrades on the building:  new roof, all new windows, new electric, new plumbing, new folding chairs.  Ladies are welcome to use the building for cards and games. We have started displaying cultural items in the upstairs and would welcome anything you might have to contribute.  The building is available for rental at $50 for parties. Ladies need to hire someone to power wash the north side of the Auxiliary building and stairway.  If anyone can help, please let me know. Thank you, Ann

POSTURE FITNESS - Sarah Shiller is teaching Posture Fitness classes again this summer. The class members decided on classes at 8am M-F with the occasional Saturday thrown in. This class is not just about sitting up straight! The Egoscue Method is practiced by all kinds of people with all kinds of bodies: Professional and amateur athletes who want to perform better, anyone recovering from an injury or wanting to avoid injury, seniors who want to become more independent and/or hold on to their independence, moms and dads who carry their kids around, and anyone who wants to look and feel better. Sarah works with anyone who wants to participate.  This week we are focusing on correcting dysfunction in the thoracic back (upper back and shoulders); next week we will be working on the low back. Regardless of the focus of a class, all participants can benefit from this whole-body therapy. Don't wait until the season is over to join! Classes are a DEEPLY discounted $15/week only for Turners (an incredible deal for therapy that normally costs more than $125 per hour) and 100% of the proceeds are donated back to camp to make Turner Camp even better. What are you waiting for? Thank you, Sarah

Big Turner Beer Stein Sale coming Founders Day weekend (July 29th & 30th).  These steins are from the Ralph Markus collection.  They range from $35 to $275.  Most are antique & made in Germany. The sale will take place in the evening at the Rathskeller.  Bring your money or your check books please ( NO credit cards).  Thank You,  Marianne Markus

WEEKLY BULLETIN – YOU MUST PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK AND NO TEXT MESSAGE PLEASE!!! Send your request is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Thank you, Chris Mostyn