Statutes of the Illinois District American Turners


January 20, 2002

Revised January 2008

Revised January 2009


  1. The Illinois District of the American Turners is incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois as an educational institution, organized not for profit.
  2. The Illinois District is comprised of several Turner societies and is affiliated with the national organization, American Turners, Inc., whose principles and statutes the Illinois District is obliged to conform to in pursuit of its objectives.

General Objectives

  1. The cardinal aim of the Illinois District is to promote and guarantee efficient and faithful service for developing intelligent and healthy American citizens by a rational program in health and physical education and cultural education and by many other educational activities. In addition, the Turners stand for the preservation of the growth of democracy in our republic and the attainment and maintenance of political, religious and personal liberty. In the quest of these ideals, this organization shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan and shall lend neither support nor influence to any political candidate for public office. Therefore, in order that orderly and democratic procedure for seeking these ends may be available to the Illinois District, we, its members, do establish these statues and do pledge ourselves to their intent.

Admission of Societies

  1. Societies shall be considered for admittance into the Illinois District if such a society shall have adopted a resolution expressing assent to the declaration of Principles and Statutes of the American Turners. A copy of this resolution must be sent, with the application for admission, to the Illinois District Council, together with the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for initiation fees. For additional information refer to “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners” – paragraphs 85 to 88 inclusive, page 17.
  2. Admission of a society into membership in the Illinois District shall require the approval of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the accredited delegates to a regular or special called convention of the Illinois District. In addition, this action must then be ratified, within 90 days, by a majority of the Societies holding membership in the Illinois District of the American Turners.


  1. The Illinois District convention shall be the supreme legislative body of the Illinois District and shall be held on one Sunday in the month of January of each year to establish the policies and functions of the Illinois District. The exact date in January of any given year is to be decided upon by the Illinois District Council, no later than the August District Council meeting held in the year prior to the Convention upon recommendation of the host Society. Revised January 2008
  2. The Illinois District Council shall be the highest executive body of the Illinois District. It shall be elected, organized, and shall operate as hereinafter specified.

District Convention

  1. Each society of the Illinois District shall elect to an Illinois District Convention one delegate for each of its twenty-five (25) members in good standing as of December 31 of the year previous to the mailing of the delegate mandate for the convention, and one additional delegate if its remaining complement of membership is thirteen (13) or more. A society shall be entitled to at least one delegate irrespective of its membership. Honorary members and members serving in the Armed Services of the United States that are exempt from National and District per capita tax, and dues-paying members in good standing as of December 31 of the year previous to the mailing of the delegate mandate for the convention, and as reported by our National Secretary to our District will be the basis for determining the total society membership.
  2. Each convention shall be sovereign to itself and may rescind or amend any decision made by preceding conventions except as otherwise provided by these statutes.
  3. The Illinois District secretary shall forward to each society a mandate form at least forty (40) days before a regular convention takes place.
  4. Societies shall return properly executed mandates, on which are affixed the societies’ seals and on which shall be listed their delegates and the name of the committee on which each delegate shall serve, to the District secretary seven days prior to the day of the convention. These credentials are absolutely necessary in order to seat delegates at the convention. In addition, societies’ per capita taxes, due prior to the date of the convention, must be paid in order to qualify delegates at the convention.
  5. Societies not represented at the District convention shall not be permitted to have proxies and shall be expelled from the Illinois District by the Illinois District Council if they do not, within four weeks after the opening of the convention, present a valid excuse to the Illinois District Council. The decision of the council shall be inserted in the minutes of that body and all societies shall receive a copy thereof, including the offending society.
  6. The minutes of every Illinois District convention shall be attested to by the chairman and the secretary of this body and delivered to the Illinois District Council at its first regular meeting of the ensuing term.
  7. The Illinois District Council shall be authorized to make editorial changes by which, however, the sense of the subject matter in question shall in no wise be changed.
  8. Within 60 days of the convention, the council’s secretary shall furnish each council member, society and delegate a copy of the attested minutes of the convention.
  9. The nominating committee at a convention shall consist of one member from each society selected 60 days prior to the convention and shall be chosen by their own society. It shall be the duty of this committee to arrange slates of candidates for the various District offices. Additional candidates may be nominated from the convention floor.
  10. Candidates for the Illinois District Council shall be a member of an Illinois District Society and a member in good standing of the American Turners. Candidate must be a member of an Illinois District Society for at least three complete years (36 consecutive months). It is not necessary that a candidate for Illinois District Council be a delegate of the convention, but the convention must be assured that he has stated his intentions of accepting the position and its obligations.
  11. Each regular convention shall elect a president of the Illinois District of the American Turners for one (1) year, five (5) members to the Illinois District Council for three (3) year terms, and any unexpired but vacant terms.
  12. The President of the Illinois District shall not serve more than three successive terms.
  13. The candidates for president must receive a majority of the votes cast in order to be elected. If no majority is obtained on the first ballot, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped on the succeeding ballot and this process shall be continued until a majority is obtained.
  14. If there shall be eight (8) or less candidates for the Illinois District Council slate, the five (5) receiving the highest vote shall be elected. If there are more than eight (8) candidates then the first ballot shall select the eight (8) receiving the highest vote from which five (5) shall be elected to office on the next ballot. In case a tie vote presents a situation in which more than eight (8) candidates are selected then those candidates having the tie vote shall have the opportunity to run again on a succeeding ballot. This process continues until there are eight (8) candidates selected.
  15. All salaries and bonds of officers shall be established at each regular convention.
  16. The members of the Illinois District Council shall have the same rights and privileges in the Illinois District Convention as the delegates with the exception of the right to vote in either subcommittee sessions or in the convention assembly.
  17. All officers of the Illinois District Council shall present a written report at the convention pertinent to their official capacity.
  18. The Illinois District convention shall be conducted according to “Robert’s Rules of Order,” except where special rules are adopted by the convention.
  19. The Illinois District shall be entitled to a certain number of delegates to the national convention as stated in the “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners” on page 7, paragraph 20. Of this allotted number each society of the Illinois District shall be entitled to one delegate. The president of the Illinois District and the District Cultural, Physical Education, and Bowling Chairmen shall automatically have delegate status. The remainder of delegates required shall be elected at an Illinois District convention preceding a national convention. The election shall be by ballot and the candidates must be elected delegates by the majority of votes cast. If on the first ballot the required number of delegates shall not have received the majority vote the balloting continues until the required number of delegates shall have been elected by a majority vote.
  20. That portion of essential traveling expense incurred by the delegates to the national convention and borne by the Illinois District, if any, shall be fixed by the convention before the election of such delegates.

District Council

  1. The Illinois District Council shall be responsible to execute the instructions and the decisions of the Illinois District convention and to conduct the business of the Illinois District.
  2. The Illinois District Council shall consist of eighteen (18) members including the president of the Illinois District of the American Turners, who is the presiding officer. In addition, the presidents of the societies comprising the Illinois District or a duly appointed representative chosen by their society on a yearly basis, and the president of the Illinois Turner Camp Cottage Owners Association shall also shall be voting members of the Illinois District Council.
  3. After the Illinois District convention, the current Illinois District Council members and the president of the Illinois District shall hold a special meeting preceding the next regular District Council meeting. The order of business shall be:
  4. A) The election of two (2) additional council members to serve for a term of one year. A modification of this procedure shall take place whenever the president of the preceding term is not reelected to the Illinois District Council by the convention. Whenever this situation occurs the retired president shall serve one of the one-year terms as a council member.
  5. B) Complete the council’s organization for the ensuing year by the election of a vice-president, secretary, treasurer, health and physical education chairman, cultural education chairman, bowling chairman and any additional officers the council deems necessary. The health and physical education chairman, cultural education chairman and bowling chairman shall serve as the Illinois District’s representatives on the American Turners respective national committees.
  6. By the second regular Council meeting (i.e. March), the president, with the approval of the council, shall appoint members to the following standing committees: Camp, Health and Physical Education, Cultural Education, Statutes Interpretation, and such other special committees as deemed necessary.
  7. The regular meetings of the Illinois District Council shall be monthly except December. The date, time, and place of the meetings shall be determined by the council.
  8. The president or a two-thirds (15) majority of District Council members shall be empowered to call a special meeting whenever necessary. The secretary shall notify each council member at least three (3) days prior to the date of such meeting with the agenda thereof.
  9. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for a council meeting.
  10. If any member of the Illinois District Council shall, for any reason, cease to be a member thereof, the council shall be empowered to fill such vacancy until the next convention, at which time the convention shall by election fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. Any council member who resigns or is terminated shall not be eligible to be a delegate at the immediately following District Convention.
  11. If any member of the Illinois District Council shall be derelict in his duties or shall be absent from the meetings of the council three (3) successive times without sufficient excuse, the council shall declare his office vacant.
  12. Whenever an emergency arises, the Illinois District Council shall call a special convention. Likewise, a special convention shall be called when one-third of the Illinois District societies request it in writing. In either case, the council’s secretary shall notify all societies, at least three (3) weeks before such a special convention takes place, of the date, time, place and agenda thereof. 36. The Illinois District Council shall have the privilege of recommending to the National Council of the American Turners deserving members of its societies’ classes for scholarships as stated in the “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners” – page 24, paragraph 132. If the National Council offers a scholarship to a candidate approved by the Illinois District Council, the Illinois District Council may augment this award with an additional amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
  13. The Illinois District Council shall employ an auditor, who shall not be a council member, to annually review its financial records and to prepare a complete financial report for the fiscal year. The treasurer of the Illinois District shall provide a copy of this report to each council member, each delegate at the annual convention and to each society of the Illinois District fifteen (15) days prior to the annual convention. The Illinois District annual report is to be reviewed at the annual convention by the convention finance committee.

Duties of Officers

  1. The president shall conduct the Illinois District Council’s meetings according to “Robert’s Rules of Order.” He shall sign all vouchers and any other document necessary in the conduct of business of the Illinois District Council. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees and shall be the presiding officer of the Camp Committee. He shall sign and execute all transfers of real estate or personal property belonging to the Illinois District. These documents to be attested and countersigned by the secretary.
  2. The vice-president shall assist the president and in his absence shall take over his duties and shall perform any other duty assigned to him by the Illinois District Council.
  3. The secretary is the recording officer of the Illinois District Council and the custodian of its seal and its records, except those records which are specifically assigned to others. He shall send out proper notices of called meetings and of other meetings when necessary, and shall conduct correspondence of the council except as otherwise provided. In addition to recording the minutes of the Illinois District Council, he shall send a copy of these minutes after each council meeting to the Illinois District Societies and to the members of the council. He shall also be the secretary of the convention. He shall send a certified letter to each society with the mandate for every convention. He shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Statutes of the Illinois District and amendments thereto.
  4. The treasurer shall receive all funds from officers and committees, give receipts thereof, and shall deposit all monies in a national or state bank in the name of the Illinois District of the American Turners. He shall pay only bills ordered by the council and signed by the president. Upon request, he shall furnish the name of the depository of all securities, legal papers, and insurance policies. All financial reports of the treasurer shall be received by the Illinois District Council subject to confirmation by the annual audit. The treasurer shall, whenever he believes it feasible, recommend to the council to invest part of the available fund in United States government securities, or in banking or savings institutions where depositors’ funds are insured by an agency of the United States government. He shall be available for the annual review at every regular convention.
  5. The Executive Committee of the Illinois District shall be the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. It is their duty to execute all properly approved motions and actions of the Illinois District Council.


  1. Committees shall not have the right to expend any monies without the approval of the District Council; except that this ruling shall be modified to permit the “Camp Committee,” and the managerial employees at the Turner Camp, to make regular and necessary business expenditures for the operation of Turner Camp. All committees having in their possession properties belong to the Illinois District must provide an inventory accounting of these properties as part of their annual report to the convention.
  2. The Health and Physical Education Committee shall be composed of the Health and Physical Education Chairman, at least three members of the Illinois District Council, teachers of the Illinois District’s societies and their class leaders and any additional Turners this committee deems necessary. This committee shall initiate and promote all physical education activities necessary for the welfare and progress of Turnerism. It shall conduct regular scheduled meetings where all technical matters pertaining to its activities shall be discussed.
  3. The Camp Committee shall consist of the president of the Illinois District Council, who is the presiding officer, the vice president, secretary, and treasurer of the Illinois District Council. The remaining members of this committee shall be the president and vice president of the Illinois Turner Camp Cottage Owners Association, the Chairmen of the Bar, Building and Grounds, Gate, Pool, Restaurant and Youth Committees. The Caretaker/Facility Manager shall serve as a nonvoting advisor to the Camp Committee. This committee shall manage, operate, and direct the affairs of the Illinois Turner Camp, Algonquin, Illinois, subject to the approval of the Illinois District Council.
  4. The Cultural Education Committee shall be composed of the Cultural Education Chairman at least three members of the Illinois District Council, and any additional Turners this committee deems necessary. This committee shall propose and promote all cultural activities designed for the welfare of Turnerism, subject to the approval of the Illinois District Council.
  5. The Statutes Interpretation Committee is to be comprised of three council members. The function of this committee is to interpret these statutes for the president of the council and the chairman of the convention whenever a controversy develops over the meaning of any of these statutes. This committee’s interpretation shall be final.
  6. Subject to the sanction and approval of the District Council, the president is empowered to appoint such Special Committees as may be necessary to accomplish the proper administration of district business and projects and to fulfill convention mandates. These specially appointed committees shall be dissolved upon the completion of their duties and the submitting of their final report to the District Council.

Per Capita Tax

  1. The Illinois District of the American Turners annual per capita tax for each member of the Illinois District’s societies shall be four dollars ($4.00), with one dollar ($1.00) allocated to the Memorial Swimming Pool Fund and one dollar ($1.00) allocated to the Swimming Pool Operating Fund. The method of collecting this per capita tax shall conform with the procedure as set forth in the “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners” – pages 20 to 22, paragraphs 109 to 115, inclusive. Honorary members who have been duly recognized by the American Turners National Council shall be exempt from payment of per capita tax.

Principles and Statutes of the American Turners

  1. These statutes and those of the Illinois District’s societies shall not contain any laws or regulations contrary to those of our national organization, American Turners; nor contrary to the constitution of the United States of America.

Statutes of the Illinois District of the American Turners

  1. The Illinois District shall furnish each society with sufficient copies of these statutes for the needs of its membership.

Statistical Report

  1. Prior to the first day of February of each year, each society shall send an accurate statistical report to the Illinois District secretary on forms furnished by the national organization. The president shall attest the correctness of all reports from the Illinois District societies and transmit them to the National office of the American Turners not later than the first day of March. For more detailed information on statistical report refer to “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners – Procedural Guide.”

Real Estate Transactions

  1. Any transaction involving real estate currently owned, or proposed to be owned by the Illinois District of the American Turners (except the lease of land in the Illinois Turner Camp to Turner members underlying their personal cottages and the rental house located on the former golf course property), shall require the approval of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the accredited delegates to a regular or special called convention of the Illinois District of the American Turners. In addition, any such action must then be ratified, within 90 days, by a majority of the Societies holding membership in the Illinois District of the American Turners.
  2. The lease of land to Turner members underlying their personal cottages located in the Illinois Turner Camp and the rental house located on the former golf course property, shall require only the approval of a majority of the members of the Illinois District Council, present at a regular or special called meeting of the Illinois District Council.

Indemnification of Officers, Council Members and Chairpersons of the Illinois District of American Turners

  1. The Illinois District Council may indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, (other than an action or suit by or in the right of the organization) by reason of the fact that he/she is or was a member of the Illinois District Council, an Officer or Chairperson of the Illinois District of American Turners against expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid actually and reasonably incurred by him/her in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit, if he/she acted in good faith and in a manner he/she reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Illinois District of American Turners and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duty to the Illinois District of American Turners, unless, and only to the extent that the court in which such action or suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability, but in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expense as the court shall deem proper. The termination of any action, suit or proceeding by judgment or settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which he/she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Illinois District of American Turners, and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that his/her conduct was unlawful. The Illinois District of American Turners Council may indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, by or in the right of the Illinois District of American Turners Council to procure a judgment in its favor, by reason of the fact that he/she is or was a member of the Illinois District Council or an Officer or a Chairperson of the Illinois District of American Turners, against expenses (including attorneys’ fees), actually and reasonably incurred by him/her in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit, if he/she acted in good faith and in a manner he/she reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Illinois District of American Turners and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duty to the Illinois District of American Turners, unless, and only to the extent that the court in which such action or suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability, but in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expense as the court shall deem proper. To the extent that a member of the Illinois District Council or an Officer or a Chairperson of the Illinois District of American Turners has been successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to in the foregoing two paragraphs, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he/she shall be indemnified against expense (including attorneys’ fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him/her in connection therewith. Any indemnification under the first two paragraphs of this Article shall be made by the Illinois District Council of American Turners only as authorized in the specific case, upon a determination that indemnification of the member of the Council or an Officer or Chairperson of the Illinois District of American Turners is proper in the circumstances because he/she has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in the first two paragraphs of this Article. Such determination shall be made (i) by the Illinois District of American Turners by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of members of the Illinois District Council of American Turners who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding, or (ii) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or even if obtainable, if a quorum of disinterested Illinois District Council members so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion, or (iii) by a majority of the members of the Illinois District of American Turners. Expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the Illinois District of American Turners in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding, as authorized by the Illinois District of American Turners Council in the specific case, upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the Illinois District Council members or the Officer or the Chairperson of the Illinois District of American Turners to repay such amount, unless it shall ultimately be determined that he/she is entitled to be indemnified by the Illinois District of American Turners as authorized in this Article. The indemnification provided by this Article shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled under any by-law, statute, agreement, vote of the Council members of the Illinois District or disinterested members of the Council, or otherwise, both as to action in his/her official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a Council member or an officer of the Illinois District and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such a person. The Illinois District shall have power to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a member of the Council or an Officer of the Illinois District against any liability asserted against such person and incurred by such person in any such capacity, or arising out of his/her status as such, whether or not the Illinois District would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability under the provisions of this Article. If the Illinois District has paid indemnity or has advanced expenses to a member of the Council or an Officer of the Illinois District, the indemnification or advance shall be reported in writing to the Voting Members with or before the notice of the next Council meeting. References to the “Illinois District: shall include, in addition to the surviving organization, any merging organization, including any organization which has merged with a merging organization, absorbed in a merger which otherwise would have lawfully been entitled to indemnify its members and/or officers. Added January 2009.

Amendment to these Statutes

  1. All proposed amendments to these statutes and to the All Turner Fund By-Laws shall be presented in writing, to the Illinois District Council at least seventy (70) days preceding the date of any Illinois District Convention before action on any amendment can be taken at the convention. At least sixty (60) days prior to the date of such convention, the secretary of the Illinois District shall mail a copy of any such amendment to each society in the Illinois District. All amendments to these statutes shall be in force if adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the accredited delegates to the convention; and ratified within 90 days by a majority of the societies, holding membership in the Illinois District of the American Turners. Statutes as amended and ratified shall supersede all statutes previously in force, except to permit the completion of contracts and agreements made prior to a change in these statutes.
  2. No Turner member may present a proposed amendment directly to an Illinois District Convention; only a member Society and the Illinois District Council may present a proposed amendment, and then, only as set forth herein. A proposed amendment to these statutes and to the All Turner Fund may only be considered at an Illinois District Convention, if presented, as required above, (i) by a duly adopted Resolution of the Illinois District Council or (ii) as a duly adopted Resolution of a member Society of the Illinois District of the American Turners. A proposed amendment must be in the form of a resolution recommending the adoption of the proposed amendment, fully stating the text of the proposed amendment, and if a member society, shall be certified to the Illinois District Council by the Secretary of the Society, as having been duly adopted by a meeting of the member Society.
  3. The Illinois District of the American Turners is authorized to renumber the paragraphs of their statutes consecutively, if necessary, at each republishing.

Unless otherwise noted by paragraph, these statutes were revised and updated January 20, 2002 References are to August 1976 edition of “Principles and Statutes of the American Turners."