ITC Pool Rules and Regulations


  1. Only pool shoes are permitted on deck. No street shoes allowed.
  2. Rinse in shower before entering pool water.  
  3. Swimsuits must be worn in pool water.  
  4. No cut off jeans or regular shorts permitted in water. White t-shirts and swim shirts are permitted.
  5.  Hair shoulder length and longer must be in a hair tie.
  6.  ONLY water is allowed on the pool deck, all other food and drink MUST be in concession area.
  7.  No glass containers allowed.
  8.  No running on pool deck.
  9.  No diving where you see the YELLOW line.
  10.  Do NOT play and or/ hang on the lap lanes.
  11.  One person on the diving board at a time.
  12.  Only take one bounce on the diving board.
  13.  No goggles allowed while using diving boards.
  14.  When using the diving boards, swim to the side of the pool to exit.
  15.  Please stay out of the swimming lanes unless you are swimming laps.
  16.  Babies must have a swim diaper while using the pool- sold in the office for $.50.
  17.  Youth ages 8 and older can be at the pool without an adult.
  18.  Youth 5 and under must have a guardian ages 16 or older with them at all times. Guardians must be near pool ledge while child is using the pool. Guardian cannot watch youth from concession area.
  19.  Youth 7 and under are allowed in baby pool accompanied by a guardian 16 and over.
  20.  Adults 18 and over allowed in pool during safety break.
  21.  Pool office is for STAFF ONLY!  Avoid using the office as a shortcut to bathrooms or exit.
  22.  Three whistles blown by a lifeguard indicate a pool EMERGENCY and EVERYONE must get out of the pool.
  23.  One whistle blown by a lifeguard means a guard is trying to get someone’s attention, please acknowledge the whistle.
  24. If consuming alcohol, please be smart while in the sun, and pool.
  25. Flippers are not to be worn on the pool deck.