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     CAMP COMMITTEE INFORMATION - This is our opening week of the Camp season, and we are off and running.  Please check the weekly bulletins for upcoming events as well as the website.  Both resources capture; calendar, useful information and updates to activities and events happening in and around Camp.  We would also suggest you send suggestions and concerns to the Camp email  (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to ensure your input is heard.  You will find posters around Camp with this email information and a QR code that you can scan with your phone, and it will take you directly to the email location. This email is monitored daily and responses back within 72 hours are expected.  Finally, we all need to do our part to keep our Turner Camp community safe.  If you are feeling any symptoms, even minor, please avoid all the public spaces at Camp (Raths, bathrooms, Pool, etc).  We are trying to keep Camp open in a safe and responsible manner and it is up to all of us to do our part to keep each other safe.  If you are unable to fill one of your assigned duties due to COVID symptoms or a positive test, send your specific information to the email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will work to backfill your position.
Excitement for another Summer at Camp is building and with that comes opportunities for us to support our favorite programs; Tweenies, Juniors, Art Studio, Ladies Auxiliary, Tuna etc. One particular fundraiser that has done well in the past is clothing/towels/bags using the Turner emblem or ITC logo. The Turner emblem and ITC logo have been reserved for the Youth Committee and have supported specific programs they are funding for Camp's children. To maximize your efforts and minimize overlap, please bring your fundraising ideas to the next Camp Committee meeting or send them into This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further discussion and approval.
Thank you and see you all out at Camp - Camp Committee


WEEKLY BULLETIN – YOU MUST PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK AND NO TEXT MESSAGE PLEASE!!! Send your request is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Thank you, Chris Mostyn

MEET THE NEW STAFF - Hey Turners! This is your Field Director, Luke
Compton, and your Pool Director, Kylie Gatz. Our staff has been hard at work
preparing camp for Program this season. We have a very young, ambitious,
and energetic group this year that includes; Assistants: Kaitlyn Clements, Ray
Koehler, and Keith Koehler; Senior counselors: Reyna Boergerhoff, Sierra
Baumann, and Amy Sawicki; Junior counselors: Addie Tuecke, Ally Gatz,
Lorenzo Koehler, Tyler King, and Jayden King. We have multiple ways to see
what’s going on within the Youth Program, such as our Facebook, named
Turner Camp (Youth Program), and our Instagram, @itcyouthprogram. We
also created a chat on the Remind app as used in the past for important daily
updates and schedule changes. The class code to join this group is @itcrocks.
Feel free to message our Facebook or Remind at any time, as we both have
access to those messages and can answer any questions you may have. We
are so excited to make this summer awesome and see camp in full bloom

ART STUDIO - This Saturday, 6/11, TCAS will be open from 8AM to 12PM.  We will be focusing on beautifying around the patio and creating a living plant wall. The Kaffee Klotsch will be in full swing.…Stop on by!  Donations are welcome. ?❤️Here is the wish list for this week:  Dirt, flowers and plants. Woot! Woot!
Sonia Gebhardt

KITCHEN - Beginning this Friday June 3, we will be offering a "Crock Pot Kids Snack" during the Fish Fry hours. It will change every Friday to offer our Tiny Tot aged campers something to eat without having to stand in the long line. It will be a separate line at the end of the food service area. Donation of $1. Some menu items will be Mac and Cheese, Meatballs and Hot Dogs.

WEEKLY BULLETIN – YOU MUST PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK AND NO TEXT MESSAGE PLEASE!!! Send your request is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Thank you, Chris Mostyn

We are open to any suggestions you may have on fun, easy crock pot snacks. We hope this helps to eliminate the little hungry bellies on Friday evenings. Thank you for your patience as we try this out for this camp season. Kitchen Prep Team

LADIES CLUB HOUSE - The Ladies are having an inside and outside clean up on Saturday, June 11th at 10 A.M. We need help to paint the porch floor and power wash the north side of the building.  We would be grateful for any help. Thank you, Ann

JERRY JACQUIN MEMORIAL – Please come and celebrate the life of Jerry with us on Sunday June 12th at 2pm in the Raths. We will have food and draft beer/water/soft drinks provided. Thank you, The Jacquin/Brook Family

ILLINIOS DISTRICT GOLF OUTING - June 25th 11 AM at Bonnie Dundee Golf Club shotgun start. We will all be back at ITC by 5 PM in time for the prime rib dinner. this is a 4-person scramble (team) event for $65.00 per golfer. If you don't have 3 friends, I'll try to hook you up. Enter by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 773-859-2398  Thank you Bob

POOL - I like to Thank all who donated to the Memorial Swimming Pool tub and enjoyed the great food and Gemuetichkeit at the Ratz this Memorial Day weekend. Your donation  to the pool is greatly appreciated for maintenance costs are increasing. Also like to thank those who donated their time to help get the Pool up and ready for a great summer.  Co-Chair David Zweifel

COUPON BOOKS!!! Coupon books can be picked up Friday, June 10 from 5:30 to 8 and Saturday, June 11 from 6 to 8:30.

COTTAGE OWNERS MEETINGS – Sunday, June 26th, Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, August 21st. The Cottage Owners meetings serve as an opportunity to keep cottage owners informed about what is going on around Turner Camp.  There is a lot of new information to share – please save the dates and plan to attend. 9:00 am for New Cottage Owners – 10:00 am for Existing Cottage Owners
WEEKLY BULLETIN – Beginning this summer, the weekly bulletin will be e-mailed to all Cottage Owners for whom we have current email addresses.  For those without email, the weekly bulletin will be posted in the common areas around Camp and posted to the Turner Camp Facebook page and the Illinois District website YOU MUST PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK.   NO TEXT MESSAGES PLEASE
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thank you, Chris