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 CAMP - This weekend is our Annual Founder's Day celebration.  This year is our 108th year for Turner Camp and there have been many changes over the years.  If you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to get a copy of The Early Days of Turner Camp - copies are available down at the Raths.  It is a nice history of how Camp started along the Fox River and the early days of tent sleeping on our current premises.  The Founder's Day weekend is always full of activities and this year is no exception.  There will be; a parade, an exhibition by the Camp Children at the A-Field, a swim meeting, a barbecue dinner and a Live Band at the Raths.  Refer to the schedule of events in the Bulletin or the email blast sent out for specific times and locations.  We look forward to seeing you at the events this weekend, come out and celebrate with your Turner friends and make some new friendships while you're at it.
Cory Litza Acting ITC President

RESTARUANT – Friday, July 29 Fish Fry and Laurie VanDahm’s Pulled Pork

Saturday Night Specials!!  The Saturday night specials have been going quite well. The team has really done a great job and we’re all having fun. We still have a couple more specials in store for the season. This week is Italian beef. This tends to be a crowd favorite, so we’re going to offer it one more time. The Following Saturday is  Founder’s Day with an Outside Grill on the Patio.  The final Saturday night special will be August 6th starting at 8 pm due to the Final Show.  We will have a little surprise that night so come on down.  We’ll see you this Saturday, regular serving time, 5pm. Thank you Tom and the Saturday Night Crew

YOUTH -This week went by so fast and now we only have 2 weeks left! It was a great one, with the 10 and Over sleepout, followed by the 9 and Under field trip! What a great time! The campers of the week this week were Clare Blasgen and Jax Coffee for putting forth great effort and having positive attitudes. The campers did incredible at the Talent Show on Friday! This next week is Olympic Week, where four teams of campers compete for points!

Swimming this week also went great! Campers had a ton of fun at lessons. The swimmers of the week this week were Dean Achers, River Nichols, Frankie Bialk, Leighann Schreiber, and Kennedy Ivy. These swimmers made incredible progress this week and had the attitudes we love to see during swimming. Next week is the Swim Meet on July 30th! Sign up for events at the pool!
ART STUDIO –  7/30 - TCAS will be closed for Founder's Day.  However, I will be around  to pick up projects.... Contact me directly to do so...
8/6 - TCAS WILL BE CLOSED. I will be out of town.
8/13 - Pour painting class from 9AM to 1PM.  This is a messy one! Prepare to be splattered... ALL ARE WELCOME! $20 per person
8/20 - PAINT & SIP 11AM to 1PM, on the beach by the river. Rumor has it there may be a Bloody Mary & ScrewDriver Bar(cash bar)..... Class size is limited to 40. Please reserve your spot.
Any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Phone: 847-909-9950
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PENNY SOCIAL – As always, a fun night that always runs late due to all the amazing donations we receive each year.  Thank you to all for donating and attending.  We raise over $1500 for the pool.  See you all next year!!! The Penny Social Team

LAST COTTAGE OWNERS MEETING – Sunday, August 21st. The Cottage Owners meetings serve as an opportunity to keep cottage owners informed about what is going on around Turner Camp.  There is a lot of new information to share – please save the dates and plan to attend. 9:00 am for New Cottage Owners – 10:00 am for Existing Cottage Owners

ILLINOIS DISTRICT LADIES CARD PARTY - The District Auxiliary thanks all that donated and supported the Ladies Card Party.  The receipts were $1,700.  This will help with the general upkeep of the building.  Thanks again! Ann

POSTURE FITNESS - Sarah Shiller is teaching Posture Fitness classes again this summer. The class members decided on classes at 8am M-F with the occasional Saturday thrown in.
This class is not just about sitting up straight! The Egoscue Method is practiced by all kinds of people with all kinds of bodies: Professional and amateur athletes who want to perform better, anyone recovering from an injury or wanting to avoid injury, seniors who want to become more independent and/or hold on to their independence, moms and dads who carry their kids around, and anyone who wants to look and feel better. Sarah works with anyone who wants to participate.  
This week we are focusing on correcting dysfunction in the thoracic back (upper back and shoulders); next week we will be working on the low back. Regardless of the focus of a class, all participants can benefit from this whole-body therapy.
Don't wait until the season is over to join! Classes are a DEEPLY discounted $15/week only for Turners (an incredible deal for therapy that normally costs more than $125 per hour) and 100% of the proceeds are donated back to camp to make Turner Camp even better. What are you waiting for?

POSTURE FITNESS THANK YOU!!! –  Sarah for all your dedication to fitness.  I have received a few emails about how great your class has been.  I would like to share them with you and all of Turner Camp.  Thanks again!!!  Chris Mostyn

From Sue Muntaner - This class is life changing. Whether you are 20 or 80, all bodies have some dysfunction and Sarah’s class shows you how to fix it. The question isn’t why go, but why haven’t you? I guarantee you’ll ask yourself the same question after one class.

From Andy Warren – Feel more at ease in your body. Small corrections make a difference in body alignment and can alleviate pain.  Pain-free movement will help with all sports and activities.  Not just for women only.

From Mindy Sharp -  I would like to express my appreciation to Sarah Shiller for teaching her pain-free Egoscue classes every weekday.  I hope others will join us – if not this year, then next year.  Everyone young and old, any body type will feel immediate benefit from  these gentle stretches. All money from these classes go back to camp. Thank you, Sarah, for your time and effort you have dedicated to us.

From Sterling - I am in my 20’s, athletic, and I have taken ballet my entire life. I sit at a computer all day, which can cause some discomfort. After one class, I could feel the difference. Why wait to fix the problem, when you can learn to fix it now before it is a huge issue.

Big Turner Beer Stein Sale - Don't forget the Big Beer Stein Sale next weekend at the Raths on Friday & Saturday evening (July 29th & 30th).Thanks, Marianne Markus

CANDY STORE - For the last several years, Donna Sawicki and I have had the pleasure of running the candy store. We are now looking to pass the ice cream scooper to the next generation of candy store ladies, or gentlemen. We plan on running the store again next year and would like to train the new regime in the summer of 2023 so they can take over for the 2024 season. Running the candy store is a two-person job, and you both will be exempt from the 3 assigned duties per year. If you would like more information about the funnest job at camp, please feel free to contact me on Facebook or in person at camp. Thanks ~ Karin Gunderson

WEEKLY BULLETIN –  If you have something to post in the bulletin, please make sure to email it to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Wednesday .   
If you would like the bulletin to be emailed to you, please go to and sign up.  Thank you,  Chris